Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dear all, we from the Glory Children Church would like to wish you all a blessed Christmas and an abundant 2010.

Our Year End Thanksgiving cum Christmas celebration service

We have a great deal of fun, singing praises and worshipping

God, a great time feasting, enjoyable time decorating chocolate

Christmas trees and preparing for the Christmas songs items.

2009 Christmas songs presentation video

Many others activites that our children church engaged the children in...

Doing beanie craft when learning about The parable of the Sower.

Creating a sail boat using tissue boxes when learning about
Jesus calming the storm.

Working on finger printing art to celebrate individual uniqueness
on Children Day and many more...

Making mini moon cakes during Mid Autumn Festival

Self made delicious mini-snow skin moon cake to celebrate
the mid autum festival. This is one of the way our children
church helps to remind the young one of their roots.